Can I go to the sauna with a fresh tattoo?

Tattoos are just as "in" as a healthy lifestyle, which can be supported with a regular visit to the sauna, for example. For many sauna lovers, the question then arises whether they can go to the sauna with a fresh tattoo. The question arises whether the high heat generated by a sauna heater with a sauna heating rod is harmful to the skin.

Never go into the sauna with a fresh tattoo!

The answer to this question could be quite brief, but it also requires a closer look. First of all, there is the question of what is meant by a fresh tattoo. Basically, a tattoo that is only a few hours old should not be allowed in the sauna cabin. As a rule, such tattoos are also covered with a protective and disinfecting foil. The freshly tattooed skin is red, very sensitive and tends to become inflamed easily. For these reasons, a visit shortly after tattooing is out of the question.

But what happens if the new tattoo is already a few days old? a few days old?

Here it depends on the individual feeling but also on the objective view. but also on the objective point of view. From a purely individual point of view, you can go to the sauna with a new tattoo as soon as you feel no pain on the newly tattooed on the newly tattooed skin areas. Then the small injuries to the skin that occur with each needle prick should have healed sufficiently. healed. Objectively, this is the case when all irregularities on the freshly tattooed skin are on the freshly tattooed skin, such as redness or small swellings, have have completely disappeared.

When this happens varies greatly from person to person. variable. While for some people this painless and also visually inconspicuous and visually inconspicuous after two or three weeks, for other people it may it may not be advisable to visit the sauna with a fresh tattoo. with a fresh tattoo. Individual sensitivity is required here and It is better to wait a little longer than to have a severe inflammation of the skin. inflammation of the newly tattooed skin areas with the corresponding complications. complications.

Sauna does not harm the tattoo

It is often feared, especially with new tattoos, that the often feared that the hot, humid air and the increased sweat could damage the new tattoo. A professionally stitched and well healed tattoo will not be harmed by a sauna. can do no harm to a professionally stung and well healed tattoo. After all, the colour pigments are in deeper layers of the skin and are layers of the skin and are normally affected by heat and sweat. and approved tattoo colours. So if everything heals well, painless and insensitive to salt water, you can already look forward you can plan your next visit to the sauna. Depending on your subjective the first sauna visit with the fresh tattoo after two to four weeks. weeks.

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