Electricity costs of a sauna

What electricity costs do I need to budget for my sauna at home?

A sauna at home is a great thing. You can use the sauna whenever you want, whenever you feel like it. Alone, with the family or together with friends. But what about the electricity costs? What costs should I expect and how can I influence them? Or is it perhaps cheaper to visit a public sauna? We would like to answer these and other questions in this blog post. Firstly, it is important to make one comment. The statements made relate to regular sauna use, i.e. about once a week, and do not contain any binding information on specific electricity tariffs as these vary from region to region and from provider to provider and are subject to certain fluctuations.

Is a visit to the public sauna cheaper than using the home sauna?

Not in principle. Of course, the home sauna must first be purchased, installed and put into operation, which certainly leads to costs. However, these are one-off fixed costs that we do not include in our considerations. More important are the running costs, such as electricity. On average, public saunas are not more favourable. Although the electricity costs are usually spread over many visitors, there are also the costs for the building, maintenance, cleaning, staff and repairs, which are always added proportionately to the entrance fee for the sauna. It should also not be forgotten that a public sauna or sauna club is always run with the intention of making a profit.

In a home sauna, on the other hand, you only pay the electricity costs depending on usage and perhaps any necessary repairs such as replacing the sauna heating element or maintenance.

What electricity costs should I expect for the home sauna?

The answer to this question cannot be clearly quantified. The electricity consumption of the sauna always depends on the consumers connected and used, such as the sauna heater, fan, lighting and any additional equipment that is operated with electricity.

The main consumer in the sauna is without doubt the electric sauna heater. If you want to determine the power consumption, you can calculate it approximately. To do this, you need to know the power consumption in watts. For example, if a sauna heater has an output of 8,000 watts, the heater will consume around 8 kW in one hour of full-load operation. With this information, you can calculate the approximate electricity costs you will incur according to your energy supply contract.

Example calculation:

Sauna use once a week for 2 hours, including heating time, sauna heater with a power consumption of 8,000 watts. The total price for one kilowatt hour is 28 cents.

8,000 watts x 2 hours equals 16,000 watts = 16 kW
16 kW x 0.33 € = 5.28 €
5.28 € x 4 weeks / month = 21.12 € / month

However, it must be taken into account that the sauna heater does not run at full load for the entire time, so that lower costs can be expected for heating the sauna.

In this example, the costs for electricity consumption are therefore around €21.12 per month. However, it must be taken into account that the sauna heater does not run at full load for the entire time, so that lower costs can be expected for heating the sauna. This is balanced out by the operation of the control unit, fan and light, so that the calculated price is relatively close to reality.

The higher the output of the sauna heater and the more frequently it is used, the higher the electricity costs. However, as we are assuming a manageable home sauna that is used once a week for 2 hours, our calculation example is probably very close to reality. Calculate the approximate electricity costs generated by regular sauna use according to your specific figures. Certainly less than initially assumed.

Can the sauna's electricity consumption be reduced?

Under certain conditions, yes. As always when it comes to heat and consumption, good thermal insulation to the outside is also helpful and important for saunas. The less heat that escapes to the outside, the lower the losses that are reflected in the heating costs. Particular attention should be paid to the on-site insulation of the sauna cabin walls and ceiling.

Many sauna users switch on the sauna heater too early. Find out how long your heater needs to heat up the sauna cabin to the desired temperature. Then you will also know what preheating time makes sense. Also remember to switch off the sauna heater in good time as soon as you want to end your sauna session. Once the heat has been released, it will remain in the room for a good while even without the heater running.

Another effective way to save costs is to switch to a different energy provider. Find out about the offers and find out whether you would be better off with a different energy supplier. Intelligent control of the sauna lighting, for example with a motion detector that only switches the sauna lighting on when someone is in the cabin, can also save you money in the long term.

Also keep an eye on the state of the art, as new and more efficient sauna heaters are constantly coming onto the market that consume less electricity for the same output. Replacing an outdated sauna heater with a new model can definitely pay off in the medium term.


With a little research and knowledge of your own habits, you can keep your electricity consumption and therefore the costs of a home sauna well under control. Through correct use and, if necessary, technical modernisation, you can enjoy your sauna at home without a guilty conscience and even save money.

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