Sauna climate - importance and influence

The sauna climate generally refers to the room climatic conditions in the sweat room of a sauna facility. The room climate in the sweat room is essentially determined by the temperature, the humidity and the air circulation. In addition, there are of course the materials used in the sweat room and the design and performance of the sauna heater. First of all, it makes sense to take a closer look at the three most important factors: air, humidity and temperature.

Sauna climate: air circulation

The air circulation in the sweat room has far-reaching effects on both the humidity and the temperature gradient in the sauna. Therefore, special attention must be paid to the installation of special ventilation devices in the sauna. Defects in the air circulation result in deficiencies in the heating and thus also have a lasting effect on the well-being in the sweat room. Both ventilation and exhaust must be located near the floor, if possible opposite each other, whereby the air intake opening should generally be located behind the sauna heater.

Sauna climate: regulating the temperature

The increased temperature is a typical feature of the classic sauna cabin. As a rule, temperatures between 40° and 100° are reached here, depending on the type of sauna. Typical of the Finnish sauna, for example, is the temperature gradient from about 100° at the ceiling to 70° on the top bench down to 40° near the floor. This temperature gradient is mainly due to the function of the sauna heater and the air circulation.

Sauna climate: humidity

In the sweat room of a classic Finnish sauna, the relative humidity is between 2 and 60 percent, with the low value being reached at the ceiling and the high value at floor level. Whenever an infusion is performed, the relative humidity also increases for a short time. In order to achieve a reasonable ratio of temperature and humidity, good air circulation is necessary.

Thus, in the end, the three basic factors of air, temperature and humidity, accompanied by other factors, play an important role in the design of the room climate in the sauna.

Can the room climate in the sauna be influenced?

Of course, the sauna climate can be influenced. As a rule, this already happens with the professional planning and the correct construction of the sweat cabin. If mistakes are made here, this will have a lasting effect on the sauna climate. Incorrectly installed devices for air circulation are just as common mistakes as the wrongly dimensioned electric sauna heater or poor thermal insulation. The most important factor for the sauna climate is therefore already to be found in the planning.

In addition, the sauna climate can also be changed by the basic settings of the sauna heater and air circulation during operation. However, this is rather unusual, as basic fixed values are intended for comfortable sauna operation. Only the humidity can be changed for a short time, for example through infusions or intermittent ventilation.

In addition to the three basic factors of air, temperature and humidity, various other factors also affect the current sauna climate. These include the occupancy of the sauna by different numbers of people as well as the use of different materials. Here, however, the effects are rather of secondary importance.

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