Cooling down after a sauna session - done right

A complete sauna session consists of several phases. From the preparation to the actual sweat session to the cooling down and resting phase, each part of the sauna session has its own special significance.

Cooling down immediately after the sweating phase is often misjudged and handled with corresponding carelessness. However, not cooling down or doing it incorrectly can diminish the results of sauna bathing or even pose health risks.

Different options - individual preferences

Not everyone likes the shock-like cooling down in the ice-cold plunge pool immediately after sweating. Even though this is the best-known way to cool down in the sauna, there are many other possibilities, which we would like to summarise here.

Air-cooled - the gentle way to cool down

If you can't or don't want to endure ice-cold showers, the plunge pool, the bucket shower or even rolling around in cold snow, you can fall back on the mildest way to cool down after sweating. It is cooling through the effect of the air outside the sweat room. Here, it is recommended to stay outside, which is possible in almost any weather. However, not every sauna is suitable for this, because not every facility offers an exit to the outside or the environment there is not exactly right for strolling around lightly clothed or even naked.

Air cooling is particularly suitable for children and for sauna guests who react very strongly to sudden cooling with water or snow. Some saunas also offer ice cubes for assisted air cooling, which can be used to lightly rub the body.

The Kneipp hose

Kneipp cooling treatments are also very popular with many sauna lovers. Well-known and available in most cooling zones of saunas is the so-called Kneipp hose. This is a normal garden hose without a nozzle that dispenses cold water without pressure. This water is rinsed over the body with the hose, starting at the feet and going up the legs. Once in the pelvic area, the arms are cooled down and then the water slowly flows towards the heart. In this way, the entire body can be cooled down step by step.

The corner shower

A corner shower consists of several nozzles that are mounted in the wall at the corner and allow a cold shower from two sides at the same time. Regional or complete cooling in a single shower is not possible.

The drench shower

With the drench shower, the cold water is washed over the body from above in a wide gush. This leads to a shock-like rapid cooling from head to toe.

The bucket shower

Cooling down with the bucket shower also leads to a shock-like cooling effect. Here, a lot of cold water is poured over the body from a bucket overhead. Here, too, a targeted application is hardly possible.

The plunge pool

Most larger saunas have a plunge pool. Here the body is cooled down relatively quickly and over the entire surface. This requires a certain amount of practice and toughening up and is not for everyone.

Cooling off with snow

Cooling down with snow and ice is particularly popular in winter. To do this, sauna guests roll around in snow that is sufficiently high and as clean as possible. This tingly form of cooling down is popular with many sauna guests, but is not always possible due to the season.

Individual choice

For healthy and appropriately prepared sauna visitors, it is initially irrelevant which form of cooling down they choose. For health reasons, however, we recommend cooling down with the Kneipp hose, the dousing shower and cooling down in the air, especially for private use.

Ultimately, however, each sauna guest must be able to decide for themselves which type of cooling they are most enthusiastic about. After cooling down with water, the entire body should be dried immediately afterwards. Among other things, this is also important to avoid possible hypothermia. In general, the cooling phase should not last too long and should be followed by a resting phase in which the body can get used to a normal ambient temperature again.

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